Friday, March 2, 2012

Here today, still here tomorrow.


We tried to sell "Billy" .  He was way too loud for the lady !  Also would not take to the bottle for her.  Lets say I was more than just displeased.  Is that a word? Not sure but sounds good!  Anyhow  she only gave it like..... 3 hours.  Oh well the smile on my 7 year olds face was precious the next morning when he realized that he had come home.  It was a secretive, sneaky smile that said "now can we just keep him?"  Uuummmm....NO.  Sorry , still has to go.  We love playing with the kids so much each day that we can.  They are so much fun.  The boys played the other day in the beauty of the sun and the kids were all racing each other through the yard.  Love days like that when we are all in harmony with each other.  Today has not been harmony.  Hubby thought it was better to walk together last night to put goats back in barn, so I waited for him.  But, he was ready after dark.  Fiona decided to lead our small heard under the fence for grass and dinner that we had not brought yet....looks like goats can tell time.  No more late nights for them.  Well today I put them out in field and sure enough Fiona has to lead them under two times before she has taught me a good lesson in catching goats!  Knee's a little dirty today.....oh well.  After making a structure to block them all was well again.  Well....for today :)