Thursday, February 9, 2012

HC Farms First Baby ! Its a Girl !!!

Name Unknown yet !!!

Our first farm baby has been born.  Wednesday @ 1 in the afternoon.  I had put the girls out to graze and had hoped to get them back in before it started raining but sure enough I had to get my own little ones down for nap and the rain had started !  I went out and instead of just two goats in the Field there was three.  I did freak a little and so did momma goat.  See she is the mom of the soon to momma white goat(Lainy).  And Lainy ran to the barn to get out of rain and left her mom,Fiona.  Well Fiona got upset and ran after I grabbed baby with towel to get her in out of chilly weather.  Then Fiona remembers new baby and runs back to Field.  All the while I'm holding baby and chasing momma three times from barn to field.  Finally Baby makes noise in my arms and Fiona chills out and I get all three into stall.  Forgive the photo's  , my camera does not take good inside pictures.  So least to say I'm keeping whole family up today hoping that Lainy is due to kid anytime now too and we will have an easier go with stress. 
Side note :  I'm not sure if Goats are supposed to run after giving birth (I know I would not or could not) but clearly the Goat is in better shape than me !  I could hardly breath to tell Jacob there was a baby.  I think he was more worried about me !

Friday, February 3, 2012

Funny Friday : Only a 2 year old !!!

Wow it has been a busy week... I thought I would post twice a week but other than really my glances at FB when I need to check something I am never on my computer.  New schedule has me a little tired this week.  Before Goats I was pretty lazy in the a.m.  Getting up anytime Nathan woke up as long as it was no later than like 7:15.  Bare minimum to get boys going for school since we leave at 7:50.  I decided to get Nathan into his crib this week and that has gone great, he loves to sleep.  Still getting up once a night but that is fine with me till he gets bigger.  So getting up at 6 now to get ready and feed goats (and see if they had kids overnight) and then get boys going for school.  Amazing how hard it is to get out of bed but then 5 minutes of being awake im am on with my day!  Anyhow...keeping up with four boys and cleaning and getting used to Goats has been the priority this week.  This is pic of their first day on the job !!!  Honeysuckle cleanup crew.
A few days ago I told Isaac that during spring break this year I promise to get him to a Zoo.  He has been asking for awhile now.  Well this morning we were talking about Zoo's again and I said I bet there is a White Tiger at this Zoo.  Tigers were the convo this a.m. bc we ate frosted flakes and we have a Tony Tiger plush.  Anywhooo.... Izzy goes on to tell me that when we are done with the White Tiger Zoo can we  go to the Orange Tiger Zoo because he wants to see Orange Tigers !!!  Then a few minutes later he says "Mommy,you like Purple".  Yes I say and then he asks if we can go to the Purple Zoo !!!  I am going to have to break the news to him about colors...I guess I dont get him out much....ooops.