Monday, April 16, 2012


We are so busy !!! Today I decided to introduce the Chicks (5-6 weeks old) to the Laying Hens in the coop.  I put down one White Leghorn and one Dominique and they absolutly froze....and the Hens all froze too!  Everyone just looked at eachother wondering something of unfamilar thoughts Im sure.  All of them looked as if they were not sure if they should greet eachother or RUN !  The Laying White Leghorn Hens seemed okay but Ms. Pepper the Grey Hen puffed up all her feathers and look upset with me, like I had done something wrong.  Well then the Red Hen known as Lucy now by child #3 started pecking little Dominque and this momma was not going to have it.  So I grabbed little Chicks up and out we went.  I did put them in a small run on the outside though so they could all see eachother.   I did not have my camera but should have taken photo of everyone so still.  We will see where this leads us !

1 comment:

  1. When we had to introduce a new hen the lady told us to place it in the coop while the hens where roosting at night. Since they are all drowsy, they are less likely to do anything. I realize yours are young and aren't ready for full integration. But maybe if it doesn't go well as the get bigger, try that!


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