Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Goosebumps !

When I saw the framing done from the road I literaly got goosebumps and even the children said, "oh my gosh", Little I ran with this too and kept saying "Gosh, gosh gosh gosh". We drove up and got out and went right in.  The children are looking out their front kitchen open dinning room window.  I love this picture!  I am trying to get out and get one picture each week of the progress about the same time and then at the end of this do a time elapse video. 
We visited the apartment this past weekend and it was J's first time inside and my little man must have been very worried because he came to me and asked..."Is this an Amish apartment?" Mommy replied..."NO", he said, "But there is no TV Mom".  Poor thing was worried he was not going to have it.  He is too funny about this stuff.  Okay..watching American Idol and just plug in like 20 Huggies reward numbers, I'm done for the night !  Till next week stay safe in the storms.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Take a Look Tuesday !

Foundation Complete ! one week we went from showing you a Hole in the ground to now ! Yeah !!!  The well has been completed too and plenty of water !  Next week more to come.  Look at those windows in the basment, Im so excited that its going to be so well lite and usable space ! The kids dream of their basement everyday....E plans on driving his scooter in there all the time....(we will see).  This weekend will start our first moving of outside items to the property and then start moving into our little apartment.  1 Month from today we plan to completly move....I have ALOT to do ! So nice to take apartment early though and move slow.  The distance is about 35 minutes from selling house to property and apartment so should not be to hard.  Thanks everyone for following !

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Favorites / Friday Funny

Wow, what a week !  First picture is my favorite thing we did this week as a family.  Bought J, E & I a Butterfly Net and sent them on their way in our front Hay Field (Giant Front Yard).  Butterflies and Grasshoppers were everywhere.  Next picture is the basement walls poured and supported with the Forms.  Those come off today and the Well  is being dug as I write !  Boys faces were worth so much when they were on the property and watching all of this going on.  I hope they remember this ! Enjoy your weekend !
Friday Funny : Isaac tried putting dirty sippy cups in the washing machine this a.m.  Silly boy, atleast he was thinking !!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Best HOLE !!!!

We are so pleased to be now the proud owners on a hole in the ground !!! LOL ....I had to take a picture of the "Potty".  E thought that was the funniest thing ever.  Rain Rain Rain go away we want a Dry Day !