Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Favorites / Friday Funny

Wow, what a week !  First picture is my favorite thing we did this week as a family.  Bought J, E & I a Butterfly Net and sent them on their way in our front Hay Field (Giant Front Yard).  Butterflies and Grasshoppers were everywhere.  Next picture is the basement walls poured and supported with the Forms.  Those come off today and the Well  is being dug as I write !  Boys faces were worth so much when they were on the property and watching all of this going on.  I hope they remember this ! Enjoy your weekend !
Friday Funny : Isaac tried putting dirty sippy cups in the washing machine this a.m.  Silly boy, atleast he was thinking !!!!


  1. So cool Julie! Country life is the best. I'm following your blog, you better follow mine.:)

  2. YES Sarah I look at yours each time you post ! LOVE IT ! Was just told today of your delicious eggs and how they went into an omelet this a.m. !


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