Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wacky Window Wednesday !!!

Windows all going in and framing steps now after Basement was poured! I hope to use the stairs by the weekend instead of Ladders...
Look who is peaking in on Mr. F ! Just making sure the job is done right !

                                     I can't wait to try first taste of my "bluebabies" I call them my babies bc last year we had so little rain and I had to go water them often and so did hubby.
It has been a long week.  So much to do and so little time. I need a plain Capozella kind of will come soon.  I have 3 more nights in our home of 8 years.  Tears are starting alreday...Going to miss my friends and neighbors and park and road to play many things.  But, so many things coming in return too!  Anyow as you see house is coming along so great and next week I get to see it everyday instead of my once a week trip with camera !
We meet our new neighbor at our apartment this week...we talked for a few minutes and then I said , "Well we have 3 boys so I will try to keep them quiet".  His reponse.."Don't worry, thats ain't going to happen".  I laughed so hard and Joe said ..."He is so right".  It was funny.
I thought I would add this funny to this post too ....Conversation with a 2 year old while it was just him and me on way back from town in car.
Mommy: "That pizza from Roma's was good last night"
2 yr old : "What"
Mommy: "The Pizza"
2 yr old : "Where"
Mommy: "At Roma's silly"
2 yr old: "Oh yeah"
I GIVE UP... I will stick to singing songs on the CD when in car

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