Sunday, March 27, 2011

1 Bathroom..can we do it?

Well since my last post my sweet "God Given" Momma has found my family an apartment so very close to our property.  Its tight and a bit shocking to be going into a apartment and so close to other people after living in a home and large yard for so long.  But, God is directing us into the best sitution with saving money and being close to our land.  The hubby has one problem though...THE BATHROOM.  ONLY ONE !  Its is what is going to happen.  He will be on the toilet and one child will need to go...option squat on smallest Capozella's training toilet or jump into car and head to Grandma's or Nana's.  Im not kidding this is going to happen.  Just the other day all 3 Capozella's (3 young one's) had to all #2 at the very same time.  Thank Gosh for the training toilet for smallest !  It will be the most active year of our lives but with my head up Im looking ONWARD and UPWARD !
In the same week of finding apartment we signed all construction paperwork needed and hope to hear of digging later this week or early part of the next.  Then I will keep blog updated each week with building.  My hope is to take one picture each week on same day and do a time elapse video at some point.  Also looks like everything with our currant home is underway for sale ! 
The boys are so excited, Smallest Capozella has taken on his new role as one of the Bo-Bo's (spanish for Monkey's) that is what the big boys call themselves.  Smallest Capozella is sleeping in  toddler bed in big boys room ! 
Next time I post hope its with a new picture !

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well...we are in the midst of gaining permits and etc. etc. etc. to get the tractors on the land to start construction ! I just can't wait to get this house moving along !  We have a contract on our house and will be moving in about 2 months from now to a rental house while the house is being built.  What rental house...I have no clue...This is a struggle with 3 kids and 2 cats and 1 dog.  Not too many people want to rent to us.....But it will happen somehow.  So much excitment and work ahead and worry bit about the three boys but I know as long as we are all together and God filling our hearts on this journey we will survive ! 
On a side note..the land we own is 2.6 acres on 7 acres of Honeycutt land where my parents live and J our 6 yr. old says two houses make the name HC Farms we will go with that !

Enjoy the spring weather coming our way !

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why HC ?

So...I thought I would explain why HC.  A few months ago Joe,the kids and I were adventuring through the barn and small hay shed.  Inside the small hay shed that I had not entered in 2 yrs bc the last time a swarm of bee's chased Jacob and I found the old "tack box" for the steers we had in the Loudon 4H fair.  Even cooler was inside was the old calf milking bottles that I remember being shoved around for by calves ! Well anyhow as I stood there with a flash of memories from childhood I though of how my Grandfather started this HC thing for the  Honeycutt's name. As you see in the picture he used Half of the H and added the C.  We may use two letters this time.  Later my father used it for their farm in NOVA and continued it here at the farm with Horses.  All within those memory flashes I realized that I am still a H and C.  I married a Capozella.  So.. I am still a Honeycutt and Capozella !!! I have an amazing husband that understood that thought and agreed to continue the name.  3 Generations later Im re-starting this ( well , I don't know about the Angus thing, but atleast the farm ) and SO VERY excited ! 
Im sure this "Tack Box" will get a new redo !!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What we are doing...

         In Summer 2009 my Father took me on a trip to the beach.  I thought I was out of my mind because I took him and my three small boys......Isaac only being 4 weeks.  Well anyhow I did it and so glad I did.  The boys loved their Granddaddy time and We also got to discuss Joe and I taking over 2.6 acres of the Honeycutt's 7 acres !!!  When I called Joe I remember him laughing and wondering what in the world I was talking about.  Until that day this idea was never even a thought.  We had a 5 yr plan here at our home but were past that but really had no direction since the market is so bad and we do love our neighbors and friends here.  But...I came home and as the days kept on we started rolling with the idea.  Here we are almost 2 yrs. later trying to make this work but we are closer today then we were yesterday.  That is what I tell the children on trips when they say..."are we there yet".  Mommy says..."closer than we were a minute ago".  They have not figured out yet that is really of no help to their question ! LOL ! Anyhow it looks like signing the new house construction contract is right around the corner.  We have taken that slow since our house is for sale where we live now.  The Market has picked up so much.....3 days straight of house showings.  I know and God knows this plan will all work out.