Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What we are doing...

         In Summer 2009 my Father took me on a trip to the beach.  I thought I was out of my mind because I took him and my three small boys......Isaac only being 4 weeks.  Well anyhow I did it and so glad I did.  The boys loved their Granddaddy time and We also got to discuss Joe and I taking over 2.6 acres of the Honeycutt's 7 acres !!!  When I called Joe I remember him laughing and wondering what in the world I was talking about.  Until that day this idea was never even a thought.  We had a 5 yr plan here at our home but were past that but really had no direction since the market is so bad and we do love our neighbors and friends here.  But...I came home and as the days kept on we started rolling with the idea.  Here we are almost 2 yrs. later trying to make this work but we are closer today then we were yesterday.  That is what I tell the children on trips when they say..."are we there yet".  Mommy says..."closer than we were a minute ago".  They have not figured out yet that is really of no help to their question ! LOL ! Anyhow it looks like signing the new house construction contract is right around the corner.  We have taken that slow since our house is for sale where we live now.  The Market has picked up so much.....3 days straight of house showings.  I know and God knows this plan will all work out. 

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