Sunday, March 27, 2011

1 Bathroom..can we do it?

Well since my last post my sweet "God Given" Momma has found my family an apartment so very close to our property.  Its tight and a bit shocking to be going into a apartment and so close to other people after living in a home and large yard for so long.  But, God is directing us into the best sitution with saving money and being close to our land.  The hubby has one problem though...THE BATHROOM.  ONLY ONE !  Its is what is going to happen.  He will be on the toilet and one child will need to go...option squat on smallest Capozella's training toilet or jump into car and head to Grandma's or Nana's.  Im not kidding this is going to happen.  Just the other day all 3 Capozella's (3 young one's) had to all #2 at the very same time.  Thank Gosh for the training toilet for smallest !  It will be the most active year of our lives but with my head up Im looking ONWARD and UPWARD !
In the same week of finding apartment we signed all construction paperwork needed and hope to hear of digging later this week or early part of the next.  Then I will keep blog updated each week with building.  My hope is to take one picture each week on same day and do a time elapse video at some point.  Also looks like everything with our currant home is underway for sale ! 
The boys are so excited, Smallest Capozella has taken on his new role as one of the Bo-Bo's (spanish for Monkey's) that is what the big boys call themselves.  Smallest Capozella is sleeping in  toddler bed in big boys room ! 
Next time I post hope its with a new picture !

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