Monday, July 6, 2009

Beach story... !!!

I was thinking today that I did not share any stories from the beach trip. Well this one is my most favorite story in a long time with boys. Evan last year was not into taking pictures when asked to and we have a picture with Jacob and his two cousins smiling and then Evan pulling away from them with a ugly face on. Well this year when "Curtis" came by with his scopes equipment to take pics Evan decided to pull the same thing but this time he was crying so much and would not even look at camera. By this point in the day I was very frustrated with Evan and his attitude and (lack of)willingness to be nice and do anything... so I just threw my hands up and said forget it. Curtis said he would come back, but this was our last day on the Beach. A few minutes went by as I laid there on my blanket and thought about what just happened. Evan cried and did not want to take a picture and he got exactly what he wanted. I let him mess up the pics. Something sparked in me and I jumped up and grabbed Evans hand. I marched him all the way up to the Beach house Breezeway and he got a spanking and a long timeout until I could cool down and he could. Then I told him he had only one option and that was take a nice family picture. We then proceeded to go down the Beach in the direction that I saw Curtis go and we found him. Curtis, Evan and I walked back up the beach to our family spot and we told Curtis we were ready. It was so funny walking back to our spot as Grandaddy and Auntie both saw us and was laughing at what I had just done. We lined up the four kids and told Evan to smile and it was the Biggest Best Smile Ever. Curtis remarked that that kid was night and day !!!!! I was determined not to be run over by a two year old........ we have to take control of our kids in this world I think and that day definitely sent a message to my boys!

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