Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Im loosing my blogging desire.....

We are so busy these days and I have found the computer along with having a baby is sucking all my time !!!! LOL. Im just not keeping up as much as I used to but I will keep posting when things come up ! Funny the other day... Evan asked me where does "Crunchy" chicken come from. We were having a whole discussion about whre the meat we were eating comes from! I told the truth and that brought on lots of talk about it! We went swimming today and Jacob loves being thrown into the water and swim back to me. Evan likes to pretend he is throwing himself ! Isaac is so sweet with his little smiles so many of them everyday !!!! He finally liked a bottle of formula today! His sleep is all over the board with not much schedule but we will get there soon! We are excited for Evan's 3rd Birthday coming in two weeks! He asked for a "Yellow " Party. Yellow Jello I guess and Lemonade is what Im thinking so far along with cups and balloons !!!! Enjoy the summer days

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