Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Super Plump...

Jacob and I were watching the Deadliest Catch the other day and a Jenny Craig Comercial came on and Jacob said... whoa mommy that lady is really plump... Super Plump. I laugh at him and told him that I bet she was a really nice person but just needed to excersise. He said oh yeah! Then I said that is why mommy is running. I don't want to be super plump. He said, yeah we would bump into eachother. LOL! Then we left and went to Grocery. A man was in the Pizza lane and Jacob says hey mommy... that guy needs to excersise. LOL! So, I have taught Jacob not to point but now we have to work on talking about these things after we leave the store. He can say such silly things. Our week is okay. Isaac is sick and Dr. said just watch him, he has bad cough. Evan is pretty much potty trained unless he has to do #2 as soon as he wakes up. When he gets up in mornings he is the one that just comes outs and plays with toys and wait till someone wakes up. So if he has to go he just goes in pull up. We still put him in pull ups at night because I just have to much to do to worry about laundry all the time. Jacob is night trained so i dont worry, it will come later! Isaac has been forced to love the bottle !!!!! LOL. I have givien him one each morning as just a little supplement after nursing and then Joe gave him one for bed last night. He is doing good again. So... for you out there that stay home, make sure you use that bottle each week and not let them get out of routin because one day they just might not like it. Joe is going to start giving Isaac a bottle everynight for bed now and that gives me a chance to get back to reading and putting Jacob and Evan to bed. They loved it last night.. its the little things we all miss !!!!!!!!

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