Sunday, June 28, 2009

Im back....

I left blogging for a little while... We have just traveld so much. Two times in May to Ohio and now two times in June to Maryland for the Beach. But, now home until late August. I have got us tickets for a Mickey Mouse concert... we look forward to that. Driving all the way to Ohio for that so that we can go with our cousin Luke !!! We just came back from the beach. Oh.. boys........ Jacob loved the water and Evan finally touched it on Day two. After that Evan was swimming in the Ocean, going under waves.. I mean getting knocked down by waves. LOL. We loved our times there. Before we left I bough all four kids four projects to do during down time or raining day times. We glued sea shells to a picture frame, painted stained glass, decorated our own tote bags to collect sea shells and had other little fun play things to create with ! That was really nice. We also did glow sticks on the beach after dark. Jacob and Evan stayed up past dark three times this week... I think that is a record. Last night they were so cute in the front yard collecting lightening bugs... it was like a child right of passage ! Isaac did really good at the Beach, but has decided to not take the bottle now. He got very mad at his Daddy one day when he realized mommy was not there to take care of him... we are in for a long road with this one..... Im going to keep blogging , sorry for the time lapse..................................

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