Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Todays Funny's !!!

Jacob and I were talking about how I used to be a Honeycutt and now Im a Capozella. He said So...... you said.... enie,meanie, miney,moe catch a tiger by his toe, my mommy told me to pick you... and you found Daddy. I replied "Yep" so not to get any further questions... LOL !

Then after lunch he asked me if he could have some Doves. I kept saying... Doves.. what do you mean. He kept saying Doves and getting frustrated. I asked him.. like the birds. He said yes. Then I told him to go show me what he is talking about. He went to the cabinet and when I opened it he pointed to the treasure. PEEPS from Easter !!!!! That was funny.

Okay... and one more. He was really having a funny day. Told me that if I was a super hero my head would be a Camera and I would take pictures out of my ears.

Kids keep us smiling !!!!!

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