Friday, June 12, 2009

Beaching alone

Okay... having to do Mommy and Daddy duties for three days was alot. We went to the Beach had fun but I am worn out. I have a blister on my hand from digging sand castles out and searching for Sand Crabs... Once I found one everyone in our little area was asking me to find them one. We missed Daddy so much being gone this week. The boys hugged him all night last night. Jacob loves the Ocean and is 100% into playing in the water this year, which in return makes me 100% nervous to look away from him. Evan likes digging in the sand and staying close to momma! Not much into the waves yet, maybe next week he will be. Yes next week. We will be leaving for an 8 day trip back to our Beach house!!! This was just a teaser trip! Isaac not much into travel the beach or anything. Poor thing has to get drug around by us but he did okay. Its really hard to have baby at the Beach. They are not supposed to have sunscreen so have to stay in shade. I dont think mommy is getting much tan this year. So, Im feeling a little down these days. All my friends are running around having fun. We are having fun too but I feel like Im so busy with these three that its hard to get together with other people. This is just apart of motherhood though, each new baby is like being sum what of a new mom again and each child brings new feelings. Just keep plugging along though !!!!!!!! Looking forward to a nice weekend here at home and getting some yard work done in between nursing Isaac and taking care of little guys !!!!

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