Friday, June 5, 2009

Oops! x 3

Poor Evan had an accident today while riding his bike. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes and had a scared look on his face and then I saw the stream and puddle.... he was sad but it happens in the beginning. It has even known to happen to the pro's too! Today has been a little crazy. I thought we had hair apointments at 10 and loaded up everyone in the rain to go and get there and unfortunatly it was yesterday... Silly me. Oh well, we are going to beach next week so I will have to do it when we get back. Then tonight I was putting clothes away and ran into the boys toy box in their room just inside their door and split my two smallest toes on my left foot. I screamed and did everything I could not to say a bad word. I possibly broke it because it hurts really bad when I walk. But,, I hear there is nothing to do for a toe anyhow. I am just sad I can't go out running tonight. Oh well, I guess I will have to eat a brownie instead !!!!

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