Monday, June 1, 2009

Wear Sunscreen

I know to wear sunscreen, Im usually really good about it. But, today I passed on putting it on, thinking I would not be in sun to long. But, I had on our Baby Carrier the Snugli and now I have a Snugli lines Sunburn on my back.... ouch! We were at the lake today and my friend Kori had a creative idea that I want to share and plan on doing next time Im traveling. She uses a larege retangle food storage container to put lunch in. Complete with the sandwich, fruit,starch and bitty desert! Everything fits and it stays evenly on their laps! Wonderful idea! Thanks Kori ! If you have a creative idea just email me and I will post it... I will put together a post with idea's when I recieve them. So... food this week. We made green meatloaf. It had a half cup of pureed spinach in it. The boys know our tricks though, Jacob walked in and said...."Spinach Meatloaf". He was happy though he likes it! We bought carrots now to puree so we will see what we do next. Usually we have orange mash potatoes in October for halloween, but maybe we will have it now too. Have a good Day! Remember send me your creative idea.

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