Saturday, May 30, 2009

First week success !

Okay, so Evan had a Poop accident yesterday at park, but other than that we are doing great with this. I would say there is no turning back now. Today for nap I put him down and about 15 minutes later he came out of his room and told me he needed to potty ! His pull-up was dry and if he wakes up dry I give him a treat !!! Its confusing for kids. We tell them DO NOT GET OUT OF BED, so the past couple of days I have told him, now that he is a big boy he has two reasons to get out of bed. To poop or pee !!!! So this week after he fills a week chart up with stickers I am going to take him to CVS and pick out a single candy of his choice. He has his eyes on one of those push up pops at the counter. Too cute the simple things that make him happy.
So, Its saturday afternoon and I just came back from a run around the neighborhood. Jacob does not have training wheels on his bike anymore and I took him out with me. It was so fun. He stayed just ahead of me and i was running. He is growing up so fast !!! The sun is out and Im ready for some water play! Both Evan and Isaac are asleep so we are enjoying a little quiet time and then go play out after naps. Sorry for not posting past couple of days. The time gets away from me sometimes.

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