Thursday, May 21, 2009

Long Thursday !

Today has been long. Started out this morning with taking kids to "Derby Day", where we ride bikes in parking lot with friends. That was tons of fun for the boys! Then home to get lunch and naps done and then packing all afternoon. We are going to Ohio again tomorrow! Going to see the Capozella side of fam! Then Hubby came home, we made dinner then dressed up and we had pictures at church for our directory and you get a free photo with it. The boys were great, well Evan was not at first, Jacob though smilled the whole time like he was stuck in one pose! It was cute thought. Evan on the other hand did not want to do what the lady said at first. I had to throw on my thinking hat and out of my mouth came a short wisper in his ear, "Evan , do everything this nice lady tells you to do and we will go get a Dum Dum". My little Evan's face lite up with excitment and he smiled the most handsome smile. So that was taken care of, now we have been home gotten all three to bed and now offically packed at 10:30 pm now! We will leave as soon as boys wake up! So here is my travel tip, not sure If I wrote this before. We pack our lunches and the boys eat in the car. Then we stop and Joe and I eat while they run around. We have been stopping in a church parking lot and taking their bikes with us and they ride. This helps to ensure nap time in car too! I will be posting after we get back next week. No stories this time about DVD breakins though, only good stories !!!! Happy Memorial Day.

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