Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty !!!

Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty from Wendy's was the best thing that happened to me Mothers Day Morning. Although.. being blessed by these three adorable boys is the best. But... I told you I would have a story.. well I did not know it would be this one. I guess I was the last one to the car on Saturday evening and I forgot to lock the doors and unfortunately was broken into over night. The biggest thing stolen was kids DVD players. That really sucked. Kids were sad and worried and crazy when Police showed up with worry. I was so upset.. one because Hubby was not very happy with me overall because of doors unlocked and two because I felt so violated because someone that I did not know was in my car and took my babies stuff. I can't believe we have such cold hearted people in this world, it is really sad. But, anyhow, traveling went better than I expected with Isaac he was a good baby and enjoyed his cousins holding him. Have any of you had to deal with kids not wanting to leave their family when time to go? I had to literaly pull Jacob out of my Sister in laws arm to leave Sunday morn. He was so sad to leave them, it broke my heart. We have really good relationship with my brother and family. Well, if you are by a Wendy's try that drink it is sooooo soo soooo good !!!!!!!

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