Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Birth Control.... lol !

I have always thought that if the shcool could send over some teens to spend the day with me as a credit for their classes they would learn realy quick a form of Birth control. Just come and take care of a baby or the boys and see how demanding it is. I thought of something funny that happend to me on Saturday night. After we tried the Strawberry Farm I wanted to run quick into Target. I took Isaac because... yes he was crying because of car seat...I thought he would stop crying because I was holding car seat and he ususally likes that but he never stopped. I was really quick in Target and on my way out I pass this group of probably 5 couples going to Prom that night with two sets of parents. Isaac was screaming and I just laughed at the thought of "Prom" and looked at the parents and said, "here's their Birth control lesson!" All smiled !!!!!!!!!

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