Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 3 !

Wow, I should have started this blog when i was potty training Jacob and been asking questions about what to do then, this time Evan is getting it quick. He only had one accident today and that was a number two after nap. I was busy in the other room and was not beside him to coach him to run to potty. He was sad that it happend and I told him I was sad too and that no Gummy Worms come to him when he has accidents. I even took him to the mall and had a large glass of Lemonade and he still used the potty there and as soon as we got home !!! Yeah ! But we did put him in a Diaper for night time tonight because last night he flooded the bed. My boys drink lots of Water and Milk and night time takes a little longer for us I think. Jacob will be 4 1/2 next month and just a month ago did we take him out of night pull ups. A little late I know but with Baby coming I never tackled it!!!! Yesterday I was drinking slimfast for lunch and the boys wanted a sip. I told them no, that it was an adult drink. Jacob of coarse asked me "WHY", like I hear all day. My why was that I wanted to loose weight and get smalller and he said, "But Mommy I dont want you to be a little person". I laughed and explained to him I was not going to get shorter just hoping to reduce the baby belly !!!!!

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