Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day two !!!

Evan is doing so good on Potty... Here is what we do as our method. No more Diapers at all in house! Every 20 minutes I take him to the Bathroom and get him to go on the potty. If he goes Pee he gets one small candy like M&M, Jelly Bean or Skittle. Then if he poops he gets one larger candy. His Choice is gummy worms !!!! We went together and bought them and I gave him one to eat on ride home. Then I told him if he wanted more then he had to poop on potty. We have been filling a sticker chart for every time he uses the potty. Very big chart , like 15 spots and he is obsessed with bouncy balls and once that chart is filled we are going to mall to buy 25 cent bouncy ball. Later I will get to weekly charts that included a prize at end of week for no accidents. I use things like books, play dough and misc things that they use and will like. So that is what we are doing for now. You have to start small with prizes because you want reward them more later when they are going out and about town with no accidents. Jacob's final reward once he had no more accidetns for two weeks straight was a fish tank and two fish in his room. Im not sure yet what we will do with Evan. Not sure if I want another animal so Im sure it will be some large toy he has his eye's on!!!! We are trying to survive this rainy weather. Boys were swimming in Ohio so this weeks weather is a damper on our summer fun, but it will come soon.

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