Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bad... "Bag Worms"

So today has brought me beautiful weather and new pets ... LOL ! Jacob was obsessed with those caterpillars last year and just the same this year.... They are called Bag Worms. Build their nest in tree called "Cherry Tree's" and they come out at a certain time for a while to eat then build their cocoons and moth away !!!! Last year the nests were low in the tree's and I vowed to remove them after I saw them because that is all Jacob did last year was let them crawl all over him every day. But, I think they heard me. This year they built their nests too high for me to reach and now we have new pets on our front porch again. The way he asked me if he could keep these adorable creatures..(yeah right!) was so cute. Please mommy, I heard, I want to see a cocoon! Oh well, we now have a sand bucket with netting over the top and inside is Jacobs pet Caterpillar! Then he tells me this little one is lonely so I'm sure we will have more to come. Thank goodness its once a year.

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