Saturday, May 2, 2009

Busy Week!

Im not sure where this week went... It went by so fast. For someone that does not work and only takes care of her children I was super busy. I guess with Preschool and the nice weather I just feel like we are never home. The boys just eat and want to run outside to ride bikes! Okay so thanks to a friend of mine I looked up carseat options and yes you can buy a frame for the carseat that will swing your baby and vibrate it. But, it still does not look like my arm shaking him around! LOL! NO.. I dont shake my baby, its just that I dont think that swing would do it for my Isaac. He does not even like the regular swing. Oh well. Enjoy your weekend. I think we are off for strawberry picking after I coach soccer today! Please leave comments all you want, I love them!

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