Sunday, May 17, 2009

Keeping up the trend !

So.. we have continued to put Isaac down for naps when he is just drowsy and it is working. Day Three and he does not cry longer than 10 minutes ! Now, I am going in and replacing the pacifer but at age 10 weeks I think he is doing great. At some point in the near future I will just take away pacifer and go through that with him once he is sleeping really good! And, I am putting him to bed earlier and he is sleeping 7 hours straight at night. Now I just need to get myself to bed earlier too so that I get some sleep! Tonight we are going to move him into his own room and out of Bassinet ! With him sleeping so good, we want our room back to move about during the day. Also.... Jacob and Evan got their new sleep arangments. We had Bunk Beds separated for them but now put them back together. Jacob has not had any night accidents in three weeks and we are rewarding him with sleeping on the "Top Deck" of Bunk. Jacob is the captain of his ship and Evan sleeps in the "Bear Cave" He s the Bear and loves sleeping in his cave. All they have been donig is going up and down playing all day! Guess when Isaac starts crawing the boys room will get Baby gate put up. Enjoy the clearing sky from the rain.

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