Monday, May 4, 2009

Crust anyone?

Why do some kids refuse to eat crust? My Hubby thinks that I have taught the boys this but I swear I have not. I do take it off their P&J sandwiches but only at request, I have not encouraged it. I just gave Jacob two pop tarts and when he said he was all done I went and looked and there a pile of pop tart "crust" laying on the napkin with the inside "icing" part of pop tart gone. Maybe I should make a request that the pop tarts have icing all the way to the corners !!! What I don't understand is that Jacob loves crusty rolls. Give him some Olive Oil and Garlic and he is happy with a roll and eats it all! Oh well, we all have our quirks (Sp). Well, we tried Strawberry picking but the rain came and washed us out! Instead the boys got to jump in a huge pile of picked corn in a bin and later got to go corn picking !!! There were so many corns in Jacobs underwear and Evan's diaper, it was funny. Isaac once again confirmed he does not like the car seat. Cried everywhere we went, poor thing when we finally got home he slept till the next morning!

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