Friday, May 15, 2009

Moon Cake anyone?

So, Jacob was watching Kai-lan on Nick channel yesterday as his "show" time while mommy checks out email! Then a few minutes later he comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder and gives this cute little face and says,"Mommy, Kai-lan likes Moon Cakes, I really want one. Can we make one sometime this week?". Then I said, "Jacob I would rather buy you one then try to make you one!" That sent him over the edge...."Oh, mommy that is a great idea, Lets go!!!". You should have seen his smile. Sometimes I think it is really good to let children come up with an idea and make it an adventure and follow thru. So I knew that Hubby needed to get something from the store for dinner so I told Jacob to ask Daddy really sweetly and maybe he could go to store with him and pick one out! That was a very happy boy last night after dinner!
Okay, this is a long post.... So this morning I took boys to Lake to swim and like usually Isaac was not complient. I have had enough. I picked up my phone did a quick call to one of my best friends that I have had since middle school and said,"Okay, I am at my wits end with this boy with not sleeping, not only will he not sleep at home but does not do well in front pack or car seat. Is it too early to do sleep training?" Rachel.... Thank you so much for your confirmation of my feelings because right now it is 1:52 and my 10 week old has been asleep for 25 minutes in his bed and I am not holding him! Okay so how did I do it? At the time I knew he was going to get tired I decided to create routine for him that I plan on doing from today to on thru everyday here on out! I changed his diaper, swaddled him, sat in his room in rocking chair and turn on the music and sang to him for few minutes, then after his little eyes starting rolling I put him in his bassinet with the music on. Did not hear from him for four minutes then he started to cry. I let him cry for 5 minutes then went in and soothed him. Then left. When he started to cry again I set buzzer for 10 minutes and have not gone back. He only cried 8 of those 10 minutes and now has been asleep for thirty minutes. When he wakes up next, Im not going to worry about how long he slept, right now its the blessing of going to sleep without me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WaHOO ! If you would like to read about my method it comes from Dr. Ferber. Dr.'s call it the "Ferber Method". Worked for Jacob, Evan and now hopefully Isaac ! The funny thing is each child has had it happen to them a little sooner than the last !!!!

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