Thursday, April 30, 2009

I have an invention !

I think they should make an attachment for the car seat in our homes. Something that you can bring baby inside from car and put the whole car seat on and it will swing them or vibrate them just as if we were holding the car seat. How many of you have held the car seat while standing and swing it and shake it? That is what I'm doing today. Isaac was his happiest when we were dropping Jacob off at school and there was lots of noise from kids! The other thing my hubby and I have thought is how many of you wold like head gear for those pacifiers? Strap that baby on and keep that thing in their mouth !!! Sounds good to me!

Dinner thought for ya! I pureed spinach this week and last night our pizza sauce was equal parts spinach and tomato sauce. We all loved it. We do a lot with pureed spinach in foods.


  1. Yeah for hiding spinach in anything...Spencer is requesting pizza we will have to make some soon using your special sauce:)

  2. "They" do make a thingy you pop your car seat in. It's really expensive though, of course. I think it rocks the car seat. I wish I had invented it...i KNOW I had thought of it at least a million sleepless nights!

  3. I remember Cindy telling us about that cool swing quite awhile ago, and recently my neighbors bought it! It's pretty cool! Too bad I didn't have more time to play around with it and see all the bells and whistles!
    Heather T.


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