Saturday, April 18, 2009

Park idea!

Wow what a busy day! Today I found myself feeling split. A nursing baby, toddler taking a nap and a 4 year old wanting to ride scooters and bikes all day! We enjoyed the day so much. I made sure Jacob and Evan got to bed at a earlier time so that they can have another long day in sunshine tomorrow! So... my creative thought for you this day is something I thought of at the park yesterday to tell you. I think kids sometimes need us to change up our ways to keep things that work fresh. I know alot of us say okay two more minutes and then we are leaving. Sometimes that works but I also like telling my boys that we are getting ready to leave, and they need to pick one more thing that they really want to do before we go and then we are leaving. It works great! Jacob will run off to the play area he wanted to check out and then coming running! Then we when get to the car I tell them how happy I was they did a good job at leaving and that makes me want to bring them back again! Dont forget to sign up as a follower to the right side of blog!

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