Friday, April 10, 2009

Sunny Friday :)

Wow, what a day! We made it to a play group Easter Egg hunt. Good times! If you dont have a lot of support from family, find a local Moms group and join. It makes such a difference. Even if you do have lots of support, play groups and other moms to talk to is wonderful. Isaac slept the whole time we were gone this morning, three hours so we got back just in time to feed him! The boys were already feed and had something in the car too so they were not starving when we got home, that made it easier to focus on the baby! Naps went great, swaddled Isaac and three hours later he woke for chow time! Nursing is nice because we were outside so if he woke up all I had to do was feed him, not run home to make a bottle! Boys in bed now, its 8:00 ! Enjoy the night.


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