Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Popsicle anyone?

Who thinks about Popsicles at 6:43 in the morning...... ????? Evan that's who. I woke up this morning I kid you not to a cold Popsicle in my face and hear, " May I eat that?". You have never seen a Popsicle put back in a freezer quicker than when I grabed it. What was he thinking? I wish I had some helpful hint that kept our kids in their beds until we were ready to face the day. I never heard any of this while I was sleeping and hubby was in shower. I sleep so heavy after I get up with Isaac to nurse in the early hours. I will say though that we have an alarm clock in their room and I have taught them that they are not aloud to come out of room until it says 6,3,0 ! 6:30! Jacob is really good about talking to Evan until the clock changes. But, most mornings they wake up just after 6:30. If they do get up before then the house rule is not Milk or T.V. until the clocks say 6:30. That seems to change their minds about getting up too early!

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