Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Preschool Path

Today Evan told me he had a Boo-Boo on his toe and that we needed to go to the store and get him a new toe !!! Then I chimed in and said we would call the "Toe-Truck", but nobody seemed to get my joke. LOL! My kids think we can get anything at a store I guess! Jacob had a buys day at preschool so while he was having fun I took Evan to the pond to throw rocks. He almost fell in once again. I can't keep my boys away from water at all. This days idea for you is a road on the road. We are always creating new things with our Chalk outside on the road to ride bikes and scooters. This day I made an Alphabet road from A to Z and they would ride their bikes and sing their ABC's as they did. You can see I did not make it straight so they could have some fun riding too! If you only have small area you can do A -Z and have them drive a car on them or use their fingers to do the walking! We bought our last box of diapers for our two year old (almost three). We told him that when last diaper is used that we are not buying any more, so look forward to potty training stories from me!!!!

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