Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So.. this past weekend we had the yard sale. Jacob was not to pleased with us selling things of his of the past! But... I think he finally caught on. Today(thanks to a mom in HOME club) a mom came by and bought a couple of things and as she was leaving out of the driveway, Jacob turned to me and said, " Did ya get our money?" I laughed at that one and had to call Hubby and tell him. I thought that was cute. He is starting to understand it all a little bit. Not much going on today. Trying to get Isaac to sleep today was a bit of a struggle. Jacob and I had started to make Blueberry Muffins and it actually took us two hours since I had to stop and start because of Isaac not wanting to sleep. But we did make them and everything turned out fine in the end!!!!

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