Monday, April 27, 2009

Lunch Day !

What a busy busy weekend. I was crazy enough to schedule a yard sale on Saturday along with having to get to soccer by 10:30 for picture day and game. All while dealing with the plans for leaving Baby Isaac with Hubby at yard sale! He is so wonderful at it all. Sunday we had make up games too and the biggest news for our family is that Jacob our oldest 4 years and 4 months took off his training wheels on his bike and is riding like a pro at it! He is so amazing at his physical skills! So... that meant Evan needed somthing now since he was riding Jacobs bike so last night was off to dinner in town and Toys R Us trip. Did you know that just because it says Thomas on it the bike cost $10 more. Crazy I think. Isaac has been more alert and harder to put to sleep. But, Im sticking to my guns and keep putting him in his bed and trying to get him to nap without holding. After a few tries it works. He still sleeps like and angel at night. Last night was 9 to 4 am !!!! Enjoy my Lunch idea of week. I really never plan these, just look in fridge and start making! The boys really wanted Mac&Chz today so that ended up being the hair. The tool for using these foods is that you can say... "Evan, I bet you can't eat all his mouth". , etc..... they think its great to prove you wrong and before you know it, lunch is gone!

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