Thursday, April 9, 2009

Meet.. Me and my Three!

First came Jacob, my spirited child that is always thinking and has a memory that is unbelievable! Very social and athletic! Then came Evan. So sweet and gentle but also can surprise you with his mood change. Very athletic like his brother and always trying to be just as "big" as Jacob even though they weigh the same and almost just as tall(or not tall,LOL!) Just arrived is Isaac. So far a wonderfully sweet baby that is already falling into suit with his brothers and is the best sleeper. Evan can't stop kissing him and Jacob sings sweet songs, especially when I can't get to Isaac right away and he is crying.
These are my boys and I am so blessed to have them! I am writting this blog in hopes to inspire others about children. I want to follow in my blog my next year with Isaac as I start sleep training him to sleep through the night and starting foods and every little first that is coming. My hopes are to inspire first time moms and even moms of multiples with some of my creative idea's that have worked for my family. I plan on also adding in my day with all three and how I managed to get by !

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