Monday, April 20, 2009

E for Evan !

Todays sandwich was made to cheer little brother up as big brother got to go to a friends house for playdate. Evan was a little sad but really like his Salami and cheeze sandwich in the letter E ! Although he ate the bits of chz first and then unrolled the salami then ate! After that he had two yougurts and a granola bar. Sometimes I think he never stops eating and other times we are begging him to eat just one more bite. I love when I tell my hubby that the kids are really hungry or yes they love that food and then we sit down and they prove me so wrong. Or I guess it goes the other way. I send them somewhere with someone and tell them the boys don't eat that and then they do. Too funny how they always change their minds. Since this weekend, Isaac has gotten in the pattern of wanting to nurse then fall asleep then nurse again. He keeps crying when I put him down and then acts so hungry again. So I had to remember some old tricks that start with getting him naked and not so comfortable. I finally got him to nurse nice and long and now he has been sleeping for almost two hours! He just needed some major waking up!

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