Monday, June 8, 2009

Its been a few days...

Not much has been going on here.... We did have a full weekend though. Birthday Parties and swimming !!! The boys love water so much. Evan keeps splashing everyone that is around him and had a little girl that was same age saying to him..."Im not going to tell you again to stop". It was funny coming from her. I have not been into my blogging here past few days. I have been enjoying life and not getting on the computer as much. I can really get carried away and waste time on here before bed and need my sleep more than checking things out. I wont be blogging again until next weekend. We are packing for a 4 day trip to Beach !!!! Check back over next weekend.
Potty training is going great. I still put him in Diapers at night because of how much water and milk he consumes but in underwear full time during day! Isaac is sleeping better during the day but still not too long of naps like I would like, but it will come!

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