Friday, July 3, 2009

Big day for us with a capital BEE !!!!

Oh my goodness..... Isaac rolled over today. And not just that did it once might do it again next week. He is rolling. I checked my "records" and Jacob still has Isaac and Evan beat. Jacob did it 7 days earlier than Isaac. Although my little Evan was almost a month later ! LOL ! Then we went for a walk to see our sweet newest friend that is 5 days old and at their house Evan went to "whosh" a bug away and it was a Bee and it stung him on his ring finger. Luckily no reactions. I was nervous because we have allergies to environment and food and got him home quick with some Benadryl. My dearest friend that is an ER nurse let me know that he should be fine with no reactions yet but that does not mean the next time he would not have reaction so keep that in mind ladies and gents!!! And I was going to get on here and write you that not much is going on today... ha ha ! When we all got up today I went back to my room for something and Jacob yelled out ... "Mommy...?" I replied.. "She is not here due to lack of enthusiasm for the day". Who knew I would have missed all this !!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! Go Iassac!!! Sorry about the bee sting Jacob:(


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