Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Its August !!! Projected Move in Month !!!!

We have a Patio now !

Joe checking out Microwave!

Boys on LARGE tractor at fair
What amazing times for the kids.  Summer Break has been filled with Capozella family time making unforgetable memories at water gun play, Beach time with Honeycutt's splashing in waves and even a West Va. road trip just  me and the kids.  We had the best time! Lots of swimming this summer and visiting friends from the Lake where we moved from, since the boys do not have too many friends here in the county yet.  School starts in two weeks and I can't believe Im a mom of a K and 1st.  Where has the time gone? Im sure we all can say that, time moves on so fast in an adults world whether your in times of trials or blessings.  I was thinking Sunday that the time moves so fast and so much energy to take care of such a young family that the chaos to it all is what keeps us all put together and headed towards our goals.  I know that with three small boys and one baby on the way chaos is all around me and has moved in for a long time!  That is good news then !!! 
The kitchen is coming together and all the small things are being placed.  Questions like where do I want the towel rack?  I wish I had a personal assistant that could just make 100 % sound choices without my imput.  Im so easy to please with this house its hard to answer those questions.  Well Chaos moves all around (J,E &I) and I keep moving forward with them , the house is going to serve an amazing purpose for this family and I can't wait to move in.  Thank you to all who read this and keep up, enjoy your week.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Moving right along !

I am so excited in seeing this House come all together.  The heat is on here in Va but the workers just keep going.  We walk through the house atleast every other day.  It can almost look the same and I still just love standing there looking at this amazing home we are about to fill up !  I can't wait to have the space and property to make our home.  Painting has been done and we are looking forward to seeing the kitchen come together in the next week!
Back of the house, going to add patio soon.

Kitchen coming together !

Boys Room ! (They wanted color :))

Love the light in our bathroom.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Here I am !!!

Wow...what a long move its been.  We moved May 21st and Internet left me that sad day.....the apartment we moved into did not have internet established and Verizon gave us a headache trying to get on their work order list and then setting it up was not easy either....not sure why.  Hubby took care of most of it..... We just got back from 8 days at the Beach.  One night in D.C. with my Grandmother that will be 91 this month and other nights at our sweet spot in life...Ocean City !!!  The kids lived in the Ocean and played in his bucket with Sand Crabs and was official cleaner of my feet !
THE HOUSE !!!!   Our beatiful home on our property is absolutly amazing and I am so excited to get into it.  Word is Mid August and then we will have closing time so I am thinking late August Move.  Oh so special.   All major worked completed on the outside and starting on the inside now with trim , paint, floors, lighting and ect.   Picking all of that has been such a tough Job.  But let me tell you.  Joe and I have been an A+ team with all this decisions !!! I am so happy over that !!!!  All right...for now here are some pictures to tell the story !!!
Jacob made a picture at our LM house for the new owner...."Thank you for beying our house" We left it !

 Joe sat in our future Bathtub !!!!
 Just before the siding was started !!!!
 Back siding with our back stoop roof on !
 All siding done with our Green.  Sometimes looks grey and somtimes green , we love it.
 Kitchen / Dinning
 All our final pait colors !!! Can you guess what the red is for?
Feels good to put these up again !!!! Check back for my favorite Fathers Day photo !!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wacky Window Wednesday !!!

Windows all going in and framing steps now after Basement was poured! I hope to use the stairs by the weekend instead of Ladders...
Look who is peaking in on Mr. F ! Just making sure the job is done right !

                                     I can't wait to try first taste of my "bluebabies" I call them my babies bc last year we had so little rain and I had to go water them often and so did hubby.
It has been a long week.  So much to do and so little time. I need a plain Capozella kind of day...it will come soon.  I have 3 more nights in our home of 8 years.  Tears are starting alreday...Going to miss my friends and neighbors and park and road to play on....so many things.  But, so many things coming in return too!  Anyow as you see house is coming along so great and next week I get to see it everyday instead of my once a week trip with camera !
We meet our new neighbor at our apartment this week...we talked for a few minutes and then I said , "Well we have 3 boys so I will try to keep them quiet".  His reponse.."Don't worry, thats ain't going to happen".  I laughed so hard and Joe said ..."He is so right".  It was funny.
I thought I would add this funny to this post too ....Conversation with a 2 year old while it was just him and me on way back from town in car.
Mommy: "That pizza from Roma's was good last night"
2 yr old : "What"
Mommy: "The Pizza"
2 yr old : "Where"
Mommy: "At Roma's silly"
2 yr old: "Oh yeah"
I GIVE UP... I will stick to singing songs on the CD when in car

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A slice of Life !!!

     I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day.  Sharing time with your mother or being treated special because you are a Mother !  My oh my , I'm so thankful for the Mothers in my life.  Each Mother that has shaped me or shaped my parenting life as you lead examples for me. 
    So...As you see the Roof is ON !!! Today the porch was being constructed as we were there and shared some fabulous time with a dear friend and her sweet babies !  The boys love the swing and were giggling so much as I tried to retrieve them to the car so I grabbed the camera.  Beautiful day for pictures. 
     The last picture is of my Mothers Day sweet gifts.  E made me his hand print...but oops I left out the Tea Cup that came with it.  J made me a sweet Lady Bug Pot and sweet friends baby boy mentioned above picked me flowers.  And, in the mix is the newest Capozella's.....6 Caterpillars that are growing strong each day and should be constructing their chrysalis any day now.
      So not sure why but 2 times this week I have witnessed a car in front of me on the road wreck into the ditch...must be my glowing beauty shinning in their rearview mirror ! HaHaHa !  Enjoy !!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Take a look Tuesday !

Wow...today tears shed as I see the changes in this house.  Just like our famlily.  We started so small just Joe and me kind of like the Hole.  "J" came along and we poured the foundation for parenthood like the basement to support a house.  "E" was born and we gained more experience like the 1st floor.  "I" was born and life gets a little more faster like the 2nd floor going up  because of the beautiful weather.  "Baby 4" will be born in November like the roof finishing the home just right and ready to mature into amazing things !!!!  Thank God for this journey :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Goosebumps !

When I saw the framing done from the road I literaly got goosebumps and even the children said, "oh my gosh", Little I ran with this too and kept saying "Gosh, gosh gosh gosh". We drove up and got out and went right in.  The children are looking out their front kitchen open dinning room window.  I love this picture!  I am trying to get out and get one picture each week of the progress about the same time and then at the end of this do a time elapse video. 
We visited the apartment this past weekend and it was J's first time inside and my little man must have been very worried because he came to me and asked..."Is this an Amish apartment?" Mommy replied..."NO", he said, "But there is no TV Mom".  Poor thing was worried he was not going to have it.  He is too funny about this stuff.  Okay..watching American Idol and just plug in like 20 Huggies reward numbers, I'm done for the night !  Till next week stay safe in the storms.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Take a Look Tuesday !

Foundation Complete ! Wow...in one week we went from showing you a Hole in the ground to now ! Yeah !!!  The well has been completed too and plenty of water !  Next week more to come.  Look at those windows in the basment, Im so excited that its going to be so well lite and usable space ! The kids dream of their basement everyday....E plans on driving his scooter in there all the time....(we will see).  This weekend will start our first moving of outside items to the property and then start moving into our little apartment.  1 Month from today we plan to completly move....I have ALOT to do ! So nice to take apartment early though and move slow.  The distance is about 35 minutes from selling house to property and apartment so should not be to hard.  Thanks everyone for following !

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Favorites / Friday Funny

Wow, what a week !  First picture is my favorite thing we did this week as a family.  Bought J, E & I a Butterfly Net and sent them on their way in our front Hay Field (Giant Front Yard).  Butterflies and Grasshoppers were everywhere.  Next picture is the basement walls poured and supported with the Forms.  Those come off today and the Well  is being dug as I write !  Boys faces were worth so much when they were on the property and watching all of this going on.  I hope they remember this ! Enjoy your weekend !
Friday Funny : Isaac tried putting dirty sippy cups in the washing machine this a.m.  Silly boy, atleast he was thinking !!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Best HOLE !!!!

We are so pleased to be now the proud owners on a hole in the ground !!! LOL ....I had to take a picture of the "Potty".  E thought that was the funniest thing ever.  Rain Rain Rain go away we want a Dry Day ! 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

1 Bathroom..can we do it?

Well since my last post my sweet "God Given" Momma has found my family an apartment so very close to our property.  Its tight and a bit shocking to be going into a apartment and so close to other people after living in a home and large yard for so long.  But, God is directing us into the best sitution with saving money and being close to our land.  The hubby has one problem though...THE BATHROOM.  ONLY ONE !  Its okay...here is what is going to happen.  He will be on the toilet and one child will need to go...option squat on smallest Capozella's training toilet or jump into car and head to Grandma's or Nana's.  Im not kidding this is going to happen.  Just the other day all 3 Capozella's (3 young one's) had to all #2 at the very same time.  Thank Gosh for the training toilet for smallest !  It will be the most active year of our lives but with my head up Im looking ONWARD and UPWARD !
In the same week of finding apartment we signed all construction paperwork needed and hope to hear of digging later this week or early part of the next.  Then I will keep blog updated each week with building.  My hope is to take one picture each week on same day and do a time elapse video at some point.  Also looks like everything with our currant home is underway for sale ! 
The boys are so excited, Smallest Capozella has taken on his new role as one of the Bo-Bo's (spanish for Monkey's) that is what the big boys call themselves.  Smallest Capozella is sleeping in  toddler bed in big boys room ! 
Next time I post hope its with a new picture !

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well...we are in the midst of gaining permits and etc. etc. etc. to get the tractors on the land to start construction ! I just can't wait to get this house moving along !  We have a contract on our house and will be moving in about 2 months from now to a rental house while the house is being built.  What rental house...I have no clue...This is a struggle with 3 kids and 2 cats and 1 dog.  Not too many people want to rent to us.....But it will happen somehow.  So much excitment and work ahead and worry bit about the three boys but I know as long as we are all together and God filling our hearts on this journey we will survive ! 
On a side note..the land we own is 2.6 acres on 7 acres of Honeycutt land where my parents live and J our 6 yr. old says two houses make the name HC Farms ...so we will go with that !

Enjoy the spring weather coming our way !

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why HC ?

So...I thought I would explain why HC.  A few months ago Joe,the kids and I were adventuring through the barn and small hay shed.  Inside the small hay shed that I had not entered in 2 yrs bc the last time a swarm of bee's chased Jacob and I found the old "tack box" for the steers we had in the Loudon 4H fair.  Even cooler was inside was the old calf milking bottles that I remember being shoved around for by calves ! Well anyhow as I stood there with a flash of memories from childhood I though of how my Grandfather started this HC thing for the  Honeycutt's name. As you see in the picture he used Half of the H and added the C.  We may use two letters this time.  Later my father used it for their farm in NOVA and continued it here at the farm with Horses.  All within those memory flashes I realized that I am still a H and C.  I married a Capozella.  So.. I am still a Honeycutt and Capozella !!! I have an amazing husband that understood that thought and agreed to continue the name.  3 Generations later Im re-starting this ( well , I don't know about the Angus thing, but atleast the farm ) and SO VERY excited ! 
Im sure this "Tack Box" will get a new redo !!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What we are doing...

         In Summer 2009 my Father took me on a trip to the beach.  I thought I was out of my mind because I took him and my three small boys......Isaac only being 4 weeks.  Well anyhow I did it and so glad I did.  The boys loved their Granddaddy time and We also got to discuss Joe and I taking over 2.6 acres of the Honeycutt's 7 acres !!!  When I called Joe I remember him laughing and wondering what in the world I was talking about.  Until that day this idea was never even a thought.  We had a 5 yr plan here at our home but were past that but really had no direction since the market is so bad and we do love our neighbors and friends here.  But...I came home and as the days kept on we started rolling with the idea.  Here we are almost 2 yrs. later trying to make this work but we are closer today then we were yesterday.  That is what I tell the children on trips when they say..."are we there yet".  Mommy says..."closer than we were a minute ago".  They have not figured out yet that is really of no help to their question ! LOL ! Anyhow it looks like signing the new house construction contract is right around the corner.  We have taken that slow since our house is for sale where we live now.  The Market has picked up so much.....3 days straight of house showings.  I know and God knows this plan will all work out. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Im just getting started (for the 2nd time)

Okay...Im going to try my hand at this blogging thing again ! I have changed the look and we are excited to share our adventure of building a home we designed with you. Almost 2 yrs ago the idea came about to own 2.6 of my parents 7 acres and build a home in Louisa County. After time and thoughts and now many many many papers and contracts later we are almost there ! I will talk more about all this planning stage later. For now just want to say hi and that Im getting back into this. I want to be able to reach out to our family and friends that are interested in seeing what we are doing. Welcome Back.