Sunday, June 28, 2009

Im back....

I left blogging for a little while... We have just traveld so much. Two times in May to Ohio and now two times in June to Maryland for the Beach. But, now home until late August. I have got us tickets for a Mickey Mouse concert... we look forward to that. Driving all the way to Ohio for that so that we can go with our cousin Luke !!! We just came back from the beach. Oh.. boys........ Jacob loved the water and Evan finally touched it on Day two. After that Evan was swimming in the Ocean, going under waves.. I mean getting knocked down by waves. LOL. We loved our times there. Before we left I bough all four kids four projects to do during down time or raining day times. We glued sea shells to a picture frame, painted stained glass, decorated our own tote bags to collect sea shells and had other little fun play things to create with ! That was really nice. We also did glow sticks on the beach after dark. Jacob and Evan stayed up past dark three times this week... I think that is a record. Last night they were so cute in the front yard collecting lightening bugs... it was like a child right of passage ! Isaac did really good at the Beach, but has decided to not take the bottle now. He got very mad at his Daddy one day when he realized mommy was not there to take care of him... we are in for a long road with this one..... Im going to keep blogging , sorry for the time lapse..................................

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

90 Day challange !

My church is blogging !!!!! Read the Bible in 90 days and/or check out the Blogging site !!!!!

Stuck and Stuck...

Yesterday we came home from and walk and my Hubby had locked the door of the house. As Jacob ran up to the door he fit the most perfect fit of a stick right into the key hole. Yes.. then it broke off and our family of 5 was stuck outside. I did a walk around the house, every window and back door was locked. The stick was really stuck in there.... but thanks to have a genius of a husband he borrowed a paper clip from a neighbor and got us in. Phew...

So sorry for the slacker in my for not posting..... I have been so busy with travel and then this week I am keeping the boys I used to keep just for this week. So for three days I have a 5 boys under 5 in my house !!!! They are cute together and the boys have missed eachother since I had Isaac.

The cutest thing.... Isaac is starting to Giggle. It is such a sweeet little sound !!!! So... home for a few more days and then off to O.C. again for the Beach !!!! This time gone for a whole week but may post while there. Trying to get my posting times back together, thanks for following us.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Beaching alone

Okay... having to do Mommy and Daddy duties for three days was alot. We went to the Beach had fun but I am worn out. I have a blister on my hand from digging sand castles out and searching for Sand Crabs... Once I found one everyone in our little area was asking me to find them one. We missed Daddy so much being gone this week. The boys hugged him all night last night. Jacob loves the Ocean and is 100% into playing in the water this year, which in return makes me 100% nervous to look away from him. Evan likes digging in the sand and staying close to momma! Not much into the waves yet, maybe next week he will be. Yes next week. We will be leaving for an 8 day trip back to our Beach house!!! This was just a teaser trip! Isaac not much into travel the beach or anything. Poor thing has to get drug around by us but he did okay. Its really hard to have baby at the Beach. They are not supposed to have sunscreen so have to stay in shade. I dont think mommy is getting much tan this year. So, Im feeling a little down these days. All my friends are running around having fun. We are having fun too but I feel like Im so busy with these three that its hard to get together with other people. This is just apart of motherhood though, each new baby is like being sum what of a new mom again and each child brings new feelings. Just keep plugging along though !!!!!!!! Looking forward to a nice weekend here at home and getting some yard work done in between nursing Isaac and taking care of little guys !!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Its been a few days...

Not much has been going on here.... We did have a full weekend though. Birthday Parties and swimming !!! The boys love water so much. Evan keeps splashing everyone that is around him and had a little girl that was same age saying to him..."Im not going to tell you again to stop". It was funny coming from her. I have not been into my blogging here past few days. I have been enjoying life and not getting on the computer as much. I can really get carried away and waste time on here before bed and need my sleep more than checking things out. I wont be blogging again until next weekend. We are packing for a 4 day trip to Beach !!!! Check back over next weekend.
Potty training is going great. I still put him in Diapers at night because of how much water and milk he consumes but in underwear full time during day! Isaac is sleeping better during the day but still not too long of naps like I would like, but it will come!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Oops! x 3

Poor Evan had an accident today while riding his bike. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes and had a scared look on his face and then I saw the stream and puddle.... he was sad but it happens in the beginning. It has even known to happen to the pro's too! Today has been a little crazy. I thought we had hair apointments at 10 and loaded up everyone in the rain to go and get there and unfortunatly it was yesterday... Silly me. Oh well, we are going to beach next week so I will have to do it when we get back. Then tonight I was putting clothes away and ran into the boys toy box in their room just inside their door and split my two smallest toes on my left foot. I screamed and did everything I could not to say a bad word. I possibly broke it because it hurts really bad when I walk. But,, I hear there is nothing to do for a toe anyhow. I am just sad I can't go out running tonight. Oh well, I guess I will have to eat a brownie instead !!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Potty for all !!!

I have a tip and its my new rule. If one child needs to go the the potty, then we all go use the potty. This prevents you from going back again in 10 minutes! Start the rule early and it will carry through with younger kids to be potty trained. Evan's doing 100 % on potty now and we have decided his big reward at the end.... he asked for part of this... is to go shopping with Daddy and get a fishing pole and just the two of them get to go fishing. He thinks this is very cool to have a day out with Daddy. Jacob has had special Dad time but we had not started it with Evan yet. This will be lots of fun for him. But, he has to go two weeks with no accidents before that happens! We are a few days into it for no accidents, yeah !!! Thank God for seconed children.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Todays Funny's !!!

Jacob and I were talking about how I used to be a Honeycutt and now Im a Capozella. He said So...... you said.... enie,meanie, miney,moe catch a tiger by his toe, my mommy told me to pick you... and you found Daddy. I replied "Yep" so not to get any further questions... LOL !

Then after lunch he asked me if he could have some Doves. I kept saying... Doves.. what do you mean. He kept saying Doves and getting frustrated. I asked him.. like the birds. He said yes. Then I told him to go show me what he is talking about. He went to the cabinet and when I opened it he pointed to the treasure. PEEPS from Easter !!!!! That was funny.

Okay... and one more. He was really having a funny day. Told me that if I was a super hero my head would be a Camera and I would take pictures out of my ears.

Kids keep us smiling !!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Drop them anywhere !

Okay... Evan is doing so good at the Potty but he is just dropping his pants wherever he is. Today at the pool I spotted him dropping his pants beside the pool. I jumped up and stopped him. He did hold it and with swimmers down under his bum he ran to the potty. Got give it to him for atleast holding it and going! Too funny. Well, taking all three to pool by myself went okay. Biggest challenge is getting to the bathroom when each one needs to go. The other hard part is the factor that babies can't have sunscreen on them. That was a little tough because I wanted to play all day with boys but ended up just supervising from the shade. Atleast the boys have eachother to play.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wear Sunscreen

I know to wear sunscreen, Im usually really good about it. But, today I passed on putting it on, thinking I would not be in sun to long. But, I had on our Baby Carrier the Snugli and now I have a Snugli lines Sunburn on my back.... ouch! We were at the lake today and my friend Kori had a creative idea that I want to share and plan on doing next time Im traveling. She uses a larege retangle food storage container to put lunch in. Complete with the sandwich, fruit,starch and bitty desert! Everything fits and it stays evenly on their laps! Wonderful idea! Thanks Kori ! If you have a creative idea just email me and I will post it... I will put together a post with idea's when I recieve them. So... food this week. We made green meatloaf. It had a half cup of pureed spinach in it. The boys know our tricks though, Jacob walked in and said...."Spinach Meatloaf". He was happy though he likes it! We bought carrots now to puree so we will see what we do next. Usually we have orange mash potatoes in October for halloween, but maybe we will have it now too. Have a good Day! Remember send me your creative idea.