Thursday, April 30, 2009

I have an invention !

I think they should make an attachment for the car seat in our homes. Something that you can bring baby inside from car and put the whole car seat on and it will swing them or vibrate them just as if we were holding the car seat. How many of you have held the car seat while standing and swing it and shake it? That is what I'm doing today. Isaac was his happiest when we were dropping Jacob off at school and there was lots of noise from kids! The other thing my hubby and I have thought is how many of you wold like head gear for those pacifiers? Strap that baby on and keep that thing in their mouth !!! Sounds good to me!

Dinner thought for ya! I pureed spinach this week and last night our pizza sauce was equal parts spinach and tomato sauce. We all loved it. We do a lot with pureed spinach in foods.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So.. this past weekend we had the yard sale. Jacob was not to pleased with us selling things of his of the past! But... I think he finally caught on. Today(thanks to a mom in HOME club) a mom came by and bought a couple of things and as she was leaving out of the driveway, Jacob turned to me and said, " Did ya get our money?" I laughed at that one and had to call Hubby and tell him. I thought that was cute. He is starting to understand it all a little bit. Not much going on today. Trying to get Isaac to sleep today was a bit of a struggle. Jacob and I had started to make Blueberry Muffins and it actually took us two hours since I had to stop and start because of Isaac not wanting to sleep. But we did make them and everything turned out fine in the end!!!!

Preschool Path

Today Evan told me he had a Boo-Boo on his toe and that we needed to go to the store and get him a new toe !!! Then I chimed in and said we would call the "Toe-Truck", but nobody seemed to get my joke. LOL! My kids think we can get anything at a store I guess! Jacob had a buys day at preschool so while he was having fun I took Evan to the pond to throw rocks. He almost fell in once again. I can't keep my boys away from water at all. This days idea for you is a road on the road. We are always creating new things with our Chalk outside on the road to ride bikes and scooters. This day I made an Alphabet road from A to Z and they would ride their bikes and sing their ABC's as they did. You can see I did not make it straight so they could have some fun riding too! If you only have small area you can do A -Z and have them drive a car on them or use their fingers to do the walking! We bought our last box of diapers for our two year old (almost three). We told him that when last diaper is used that we are not buying any more, so look forward to potty training stories from me!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lunch Day !

What a busy busy weekend. I was crazy enough to schedule a yard sale on Saturday along with having to get to soccer by 10:30 for picture day and game. All while dealing with the plans for leaving Baby Isaac with Hubby at yard sale! He is so wonderful at it all. Sunday we had make up games too and the biggest news for our family is that Jacob our oldest 4 years and 4 months took off his training wheels on his bike and is riding like a pro at it! He is so amazing at his physical skills! So... that meant Evan needed somthing now since he was riding Jacobs bike so last night was off to dinner in town and Toys R Us trip. Did you know that just because it says Thomas on it the bike cost $10 more. Crazy I think. Isaac has been more alert and harder to put to sleep. But, Im sticking to my guns and keep putting him in his bed and trying to get him to nap without holding. After a few tries it works. He still sleeps like and angel at night. Last night was 9 to 4 am !!!! Enjoy my Lunch idea of week. I really never plan these, just look in fridge and start making! The boys really wanted Mac&Chz today so that ended up being the hair. The tool for using these foods is that you can say... "Evan, I bet you can't eat all his mouth". , etc..... they think its great to prove you wrong and before you know it, lunch is gone!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunny Thursday!

Not much to say today.... we had a good morning here in the house and outside playing on bikes. All my boys want to do is ride bikes and scooters. Today I was talking to their Nana and we made an observation that I find to be true. Boys are hard to entertain in the house and really easy outside. We said that today because she asked what the boys were doing and I said digging for worms and putting them in our compost pile! On a side note..... if you are here at my site and think of something to search I have added a Google search bar at the bottom of the page! Also thank you so much for reading my blog and if there is more things you would like to hear from me leave me a comment and let me know!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Hmmm... today I get to explain to my 4 year old why the cheetah was chasing the deer and grabbed him by the neck. Jacob's teacher and I went back and forth between they are just playing chase and then when they stopped they were tired and rested. Its so hard for a little guy to understand why these beautiful animals would hurt eachother. Although we have been sitting here at breakfast before and had our cat bring us a bird and the boys just yell.... "Oh , no Bella, not again." Then they never ask another question. But, today I get lots of question after we went to town and saw the movie "Earth". I got a wonderful babysitter...(Gina!) to watch Evan and took Jacob and Isaac. I nursed Isaac as soon as we got there as long as he wanted and then he was fast asleep for the rest of the movie. Any of you moms with only an infant.. GO SEE A MOVIE with baby.. you can do it! Treat yourself to something!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Popsicle anyone?

Who thinks about Popsicles at 6:43 in the morning...... ????? Evan that's who. I woke up this morning I kid you not to a cold Popsicle in my face and hear, " May I eat that?". You have never seen a Popsicle put back in a freezer quicker than when I grabed it. What was he thinking? I wish I had some helpful hint that kept our kids in their beds until we were ready to face the day. I never heard any of this while I was sleeping and hubby was in shower. I sleep so heavy after I get up with Isaac to nurse in the early hours. I will say though that we have an alarm clock in their room and I have taught them that they are not aloud to come out of room until it says 6,3,0 ! 6:30! Jacob is really good about talking to Evan until the clock changes. But, most mornings they wake up just after 6:30. If they do get up before then the house rule is not Milk or T.V. until the clocks say 6:30. That seems to change their minds about getting up too early!

Monday, April 20, 2009

E for Evan !

Todays sandwich was made to cheer little brother up as big brother got to go to a friends house for playdate. Evan was a little sad but really like his Salami and cheeze sandwich in the letter E ! Although he ate the bits of chz first and then unrolled the salami then ate! After that he had two yougurts and a granola bar. Sometimes I think he never stops eating and other times we are begging him to eat just one more bite. I love when I tell my hubby that the kids are really hungry or yes they love that food and then we sit down and they prove me so wrong. Or I guess it goes the other way. I send them somewhere with someone and tell them the boys don't eat that and then they do. Too funny how they always change their minds. Since this weekend, Isaac has gotten in the pattern of wanting to nurse then fall asleep then nurse again. He keeps crying when I put him down and then acts so hungry again. So I had to remember some old tricks that start with getting him naked and not so comfortable. I finally got him to nurse nice and long and now he has been sleeping for almost two hours! He just needed some major waking up!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Park idea!

Wow what a busy day! Today I found myself feeling split. A nursing baby, toddler taking a nap and a 4 year old wanting to ride scooters and bikes all day! We enjoyed the day so much. I made sure Jacob and Evan got to bed at a earlier time so that they can have another long day in sunshine tomorrow! So... my creative thought for you this day is something I thought of at the park yesterday to tell you. I think kids sometimes need us to change up our ways to keep things that work fresh. I know alot of us say okay two more minutes and then we are leaving. Sometimes that works but I also like telling my boys that we are getting ready to leave, and they need to pick one more thing that they really want to do before we go and then we are leaving. It works great! Jacob will run off to the play area he wanted to check out and then coming running! Then we when get to the car I tell them how happy I was they did a good job at leaving and that makes me want to bring them back again! Dont forget to sign up as a follower to the right side of blog!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Funny today!

Jacob: "We should make a cake for fathers day"
Mommy: "Fathers day... Mothers day comes first"
Jacob: "Oh, what cake do you want?"
Mommy: " I don't want a cake just a day out strawberry picking with my family!"
Jacob: "Oh...... Mommy.... when is "Brothers Day?"

LOL ! Kids are so great at making people laugh! Enjoying the sunshine here and listening to a quiet house while kids are sleeping.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sandwich of the week

Sandwich making at my house has become an "art" latley !!! It seems to me that some days I have so much trouble getting the boys to get to the table to eat. So I started making images with our food and the boys come running. Ham and cheese sandwich,grape eyes, teddy graham nose with a piece of cheese over it, and a pickle mouth. They love laughing at the fact that they just ate the eyes, nose or mouth! See what you can create, and I will post one of mine each week.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Three sweets on sweets!

So... I'm sure Isaac is enjoying some chocolate tastes too for all the chocolate we have had this week, since I'm nursing! Jacob and Evan ate applesauce for dinner last night and that was only because that was my deal for them if they wanted the chocolate cake they were staring at!!! Yesterday was worst than Halloween I think... So today we have looked at what we wanted to keep and the other we are going to take to church in a big bowl and leave in the front to share. Isaac was past around so much yesterday he was very tired last night. Slept from 10 pm to 4:20 am. Back to sleep at 5:15 , then I was back to sleep at 5:16 and then had Jacob telling me he pee'd the bed at 5:20. Finally after all that I must have dropped into deep sleep because Hubby woke me up at 7:30 saying I had only a few minutes to get myself together before he left for work! Very quick shower !!! Today everyone tired but making sure we have had lots of down time to rest since we stayed up a little later yesterday for Easter. At 12 today I swaddled Isaac and put him down and he slept three hours for mid-day nap! I really recommend swaddling for babies all the way up till they are rolling or always getting out of it by the time they wake. It gives them a sense of security and reminds them of the womb!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Laughing is sometimes dangerous....

Okay... a wrap up from the day! Isaac was awake for a while and I wanted to go to town so I decided to feed him a little more and then off to town we went! I aimed to be back three hours later so that I would not have to nurse him sitting in a car! It worked just fine. But.. the best part of the whole day and yucky part too was as Evan and Jacob ate their yougurt after dinner tonight, they were laughing so much and Evan choked and I kid you not... Yougurt came out of hise nose. He laughed even harder then after choking. Silly boys today!


Friday, April 10, 2009

Sunny Friday :)

Wow, what a day! We made it to a play group Easter Egg hunt. Good times! If you dont have a lot of support from family, find a local Moms group and join. It makes such a difference. Even if you do have lots of support, play groups and other moms to talk to is wonderful. Isaac slept the whole time we were gone this morning, three hours so we got back just in time to feed him! The boys were already feed and had something in the car too so they were not starving when we got home, that made it easier to focus on the baby! Naps went great, swaddled Isaac and three hours later he woke for chow time! Nursing is nice because we were outside so if he woke up all I had to do was feed him, not run home to make a bottle! Boys in bed now, its 8:00 ! Enjoy the night.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Meet.. Me and my Three!

First came Jacob, my spirited child that is always thinking and has a memory that is unbelievable! Very social and athletic! Then came Evan. So sweet and gentle but also can surprise you with his mood change. Very athletic like his brother and always trying to be just as "big" as Jacob even though they weigh the same and almost just as tall(or not tall,LOL!) Just arrived is Isaac. So far a wonderfully sweet baby that is already falling into suit with his brothers and is the best sleeper. Evan can't stop kissing him and Jacob sings sweet songs, especially when I can't get to Isaac right away and he is crying.
These are my boys and I am so blessed to have them! I am writting this blog in hopes to inspire others about children. I want to follow in my blog my next year with Isaac as I start sleep training him to sleep through the night and starting foods and every little first that is coming. My hopes are to inspire first time moms and even moms of multiples with some of my creative idea's that have worked for my family. I plan on also adding in my day with all three and how I managed to get by !