Saturday, May 30, 2009

First week success !

Okay, so Evan had a Poop accident yesterday at park, but other than that we are doing great with this. I would say there is no turning back now. Today for nap I put him down and about 15 minutes later he came out of his room and told me he needed to potty ! His pull-up was dry and if he wakes up dry I give him a treat !!! Its confusing for kids. We tell them DO NOT GET OUT OF BED, so the past couple of days I have told him, now that he is a big boy he has two reasons to get out of bed. To poop or pee !!!! So this week after he fills a week chart up with stickers I am going to take him to CVS and pick out a single candy of his choice. He has his eyes on one of those push up pops at the counter. Too cute the simple things that make him happy.
So, Its saturday afternoon and I just came back from a run around the neighborhood. Jacob does not have training wheels on his bike anymore and I took him out with me. It was so fun. He stayed just ahead of me and i was running. He is growing up so fast !!! The sun is out and Im ready for some water play! Both Evan and Isaac are asleep so we are enjoying a little quiet time and then go play out after naps. Sorry for not posting past couple of days. The time gets away from me sometimes.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 3 !

Wow, I should have started this blog when i was potty training Jacob and been asking questions about what to do then, this time Evan is getting it quick. He only had one accident today and that was a number two after nap. I was busy in the other room and was not beside him to coach him to run to potty. He was sad that it happend and I told him I was sad too and that no Gummy Worms come to him when he has accidents. I even took him to the mall and had a large glass of Lemonade and he still used the potty there and as soon as we got home !!! Yeah ! But we did put him in a Diaper for night time tonight because last night he flooded the bed. My boys drink lots of Water and Milk and night time takes a little longer for us I think. Jacob will be 4 1/2 next month and just a month ago did we take him out of night pull ups. A little late I know but with Baby coming I never tackled it!!!! Yesterday I was drinking slimfast for lunch and the boys wanted a sip. I told them no, that it was an adult drink. Jacob of coarse asked me "WHY", like I hear all day. My why was that I wanted to loose weight and get smalller and he said, "But Mommy I dont want you to be a little person". I laughed and explained to him I was not going to get shorter just hoping to reduce the baby belly !!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day two !!!

Evan is doing so good on Potty... Here is what we do as our method. No more Diapers at all in house! Every 20 minutes I take him to the Bathroom and get him to go on the potty. If he goes Pee he gets one small candy like M&M, Jelly Bean or Skittle. Then if he poops he gets one larger candy. His Choice is gummy worms !!!! We went together and bought them and I gave him one to eat on ride home. Then I told him if he wanted more then he had to poop on potty. We have been filling a sticker chart for every time he uses the potty. Very big chart , like 15 spots and he is obsessed with bouncy balls and once that chart is filled we are going to mall to buy 25 cent bouncy ball. Later I will get to weekly charts that included a prize at end of week for no accidents. I use things like books, play dough and misc things that they use and will like. So that is what we are doing for now. You have to start small with prizes because you want reward them more later when they are going out and about town with no accidents. Jacob's final reward once he had no more accidetns for two weeks straight was a fish tank and two fish in his room. Im not sure yet what we will do with Evan. Not sure if I want another animal so Im sure it will be some large toy he has his eye's on!!!! We are trying to survive this rainy weather. Boys were swimming in Ohio so this weeks weather is a damper on our summer fun, but it will come soon.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Home again !

Wow, another long but quick weekend has come to an end. We are home. We left Friday morning and back Sunday night. We are crazy for driving 16 hours in three days with three kids and a dog but it all work out !!!! The boys were great travel buddies! Even Isaac !!!! So.... Today we started Potty Training Evan. So Far so good. Only one accident today but that was after nap. I am in it now for the long hull. No more Diapers for him. Now we will put him in Pull ups to go out to stores and stuff but no more at home !!! Check back for our success stories ,,,, (I HOPE ) !!! Happy Memorial Day

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Long Thursday !

Today has been long. Started out this morning with taking kids to "Derby Day", where we ride bikes in parking lot with friends. That was tons of fun for the boys! Then home to get lunch and naps done and then packing all afternoon. We are going to Ohio again tomorrow! Going to see the Capozella side of fam! Then Hubby came home, we made dinner then dressed up and we had pictures at church for our directory and you get a free photo with it. The boys were great, well Evan was not at first, Jacob though smilled the whole time like he was stuck in one pose! It was cute thought. Evan on the other hand did not want to do what the lady said at first. I had to throw on my thinking hat and out of my mouth came a short wisper in his ear, "Evan , do everything this nice lady tells you to do and we will go get a Dum Dum". My little Evan's face lite up with excitment and he smiled the most handsome smile. So that was taken care of, now we have been home gotten all three to bed and now offically packed at 10:30 pm now! We will leave as soon as boys wake up! So here is my travel tip, not sure If I wrote this before. We pack our lunches and the boys eat in the car. Then we stop and Joe and I eat while they run around. We have been stopping in a church parking lot and taking their bikes with us and they ride. This helps to ensure nap time in car too! I will be posting after we get back next week. No stories this time about DVD breakins though, only good stories !!!! Happy Memorial Day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Keep sleeping baby !!!

I just put Isaac down and its 1:30. NO crying so we will see how this goes. He has started to get the fact that Im not going to hold him to sleep and looks comfortable when I put him down in crib. Although now we just need to work on the length of the nap, but Im not worrying about any of that yet. Just to have 30-40 minutes naps is fine with me. I thought of something today that i would share with new moms. I recieved a blanket that I love for Isaac and hope he loves it just as much. Each of our boys has a blanket they sleep with. Well, you know how you are not supposed to put things in their beds because of SIDS well , if you take the blanket and its big enough to do this, tie a not in the middle of the blanket then you dont have to worry about it covering them. I then put it inside the crib along the side and stick one part of the blanket under the crib bumper and out of crib so it holds in place. Now when I put Isaac down he snugles his head in his little blanket beside him for comfort! Okay, still asleep while Im writting this, yeah !

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

To eat or not to eat ?

Thanks to my wonderful friend Gina @ I got a nice day out shopping! She kept Jacob and Evan safe at home while Isaac and I ran to Richmond and I was able to shop some. So too funny things today.... as i was in line at khols I had Isaac in the front pack and had one of their small carts. As I as waiting to be next in line I realized not only was I soothing Isaac by bouncing him a little I was also rocking the cart. But I did not have kid in there to rock !!!! LOL ! I am so used to everyone around me. Then I went to lunch and sat down and ordered the Salad Bar and two mini burgers. Isaac started one of his crying fits. I knew he was not hungry but nothing I seemed to do would calm him down. (Most every veg gives him gas....) So I started nursing him again and the lady across from me said,"convenient isn't it?" I said, "yeah, except for when you order the all you can eat Salad Bar". LOL ! I never got my salad today....:( Thats okay though my mini's filled me up and waitress gave me a break on price of what I had ordered. Lessone here is always be flexiable ! Children will throw you curve balls all of their lives, you just have to keep swinging!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Keeping up the trend !

So.. we have continued to put Isaac down for naps when he is just drowsy and it is working. Day Three and he does not cry longer than 10 minutes ! Now, I am going in and replacing the pacifer but at age 10 weeks I think he is doing great. At some point in the near future I will just take away pacifer and go through that with him once he is sleeping really good! And, I am putting him to bed earlier and he is sleeping 7 hours straight at night. Now I just need to get myself to bed earlier too so that I get some sleep! Tonight we are going to move him into his own room and out of Bassinet ! With him sleeping so good, we want our room back to move about during the day. Also.... Jacob and Evan got their new sleep arangments. We had Bunk Beds separated for them but now put them back together. Jacob has not had any night accidents in three weeks and we are rewarding him with sleeping on the "Top Deck" of Bunk. Jacob is the captain of his ship and Evan sleeps in the "Bear Cave" He s the Bear and loves sleeping in his cave. All they have been donig is going up and down playing all day! Guess when Isaac starts crawing the boys room will get Baby gate put up. Enjoy the clearing sky from the rain.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Moon Cake anyone?

So, Jacob was watching Kai-lan on Nick channel yesterday as his "show" time while mommy checks out email! Then a few minutes later he comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder and gives this cute little face and says,"Mommy, Kai-lan likes Moon Cakes, I really want one. Can we make one sometime this week?". Then I said, "Jacob I would rather buy you one then try to make you one!" That sent him over the edge...."Oh, mommy that is a great idea, Lets go!!!". You should have seen his smile. Sometimes I think it is really good to let children come up with an idea and make it an adventure and follow thru. So I knew that Hubby needed to get something from the store for dinner so I told Jacob to ask Daddy really sweetly and maybe he could go to store with him and pick one out! That was a very happy boy last night after dinner!
Okay, this is a long post.... So this morning I took boys to Lake to swim and like usually Isaac was not complient. I have had enough. I picked up my phone did a quick call to one of my best friends that I have had since middle school and said,"Okay, I am at my wits end with this boy with not sleeping, not only will he not sleep at home but does not do well in front pack or car seat. Is it too early to do sleep training?" Rachel.... Thank you so much for your confirmation of my feelings because right now it is 1:52 and my 10 week old has been asleep for 25 minutes in his bed and I am not holding him! Okay so how did I do it? At the time I knew he was going to get tired I decided to create routine for him that I plan on doing from today to on thru everyday here on out! I changed his diaper, swaddled him, sat in his room in rocking chair and turn on the music and sang to him for few minutes, then after his little eyes starting rolling I put him in his bassinet with the music on. Did not hear from him for four minutes then he started to cry. I let him cry for 5 minutes then went in and soothed him. Then left. When he started to cry again I set buzzer for 10 minutes and have not gone back. He only cried 8 of those 10 minutes and now has been asleep for thirty minutes. When he wakes up next, Im not going to worry about how long he slept, right now its the blessing of going to sleep without me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WaHOO ! If you would like to read about my method it comes from Dr. Ferber. Dr.'s call it the "Ferber Method". Worked for Jacob, Evan and now hopefully Isaac ! The funny thing is each child has had it happen to them a little sooner than the last !!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bad... "Bag Worms"

So today has brought me beautiful weather and new pets ... LOL ! Jacob was obsessed with those caterpillars last year and just the same this year.... They are called Bag Worms. Build their nest in tree called "Cherry Tree's" and they come out at a certain time for a while to eat then build their cocoons and moth away !!!! Last year the nests were low in the tree's and I vowed to remove them after I saw them because that is all Jacob did last year was let them crawl all over him every day. But, I think they heard me. This year they built their nests too high for me to reach and now we have new pets on our front porch again. The way he asked me if he could keep these adorable creatures..(yeah right!) was so cute. Please mommy, I heard, I want to see a cocoon! Oh well, we now have a sand bucket with netting over the top and inside is Jacobs pet Caterpillar! Then he tells me this little one is lonely so I'm sure we will have more to come. Thank goodness its once a year.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty !!!

Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty from Wendy's was the best thing that happened to me Mothers Day Morning. Although.. being blessed by these three adorable boys is the best. But... I told you I would have a story.. well I did not know it would be this one. I guess I was the last one to the car on Saturday evening and I forgot to lock the doors and unfortunately was broken into over night. The biggest thing stolen was kids DVD players. That really sucked. Kids were sad and worried and crazy when Police showed up with worry. I was so upset.. one because Hubby was not very happy with me overall because of doors unlocked and two because I felt so violated because someone that I did not know was in my car and took my babies stuff. I can't believe we have such cold hearted people in this world, it is really sad. But, anyhow, traveling went better than I expected with Isaac he was a good baby and enjoyed his cousins holding him. Have any of you had to deal with kids not wanting to leave their family when time to go? I had to literaly pull Jacob out of my Sister in laws arm to leave Sunday morn. He was so sad to leave them, it broke my heart. We have really good relationship with my brother and family. Well, if you are by a Wendy's try that drink it is sooooo soo soooo good !!!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Off for a few...

We are headed out of town for a few days. Me and Hubby, three kids and the dog! Its going to be interesting to say the least. I wish everyone a Happy Mothers Day and take time out of the day to reflect what that means. You have been given a gift from God, your child, to cherish and take care of forever! They are precious littles ones that fill our hearts with so much happiness. I have some crazy days with my three but at the end of the day I look at them and think about how someday I wont have those fingerprints on the windows or toddler shoes laying all around the front door. Enjoy your day and look back for me at the beginning of the week. Im sure I will be able to pick one great story from our weekend to share with you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Today's funny...

Usually I find all kinds of small toys that the boys seem to get into the laundry basket from their room. But today was something different. I found a diaper in the washer when I was taking the clothes to the dryer. I guess I should stop dumping the basket right in and start looking before i wash. Luckily the diaper stayed wrapped up and I think it was just a wet one anyhow !!! SHHuuuu..... LOL !

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Birth Control.... lol !

I have always thought that if the shcool could send over some teens to spend the day with me as a credit for their classes they would learn realy quick a form of Birth control. Just come and take care of a baby or the boys and see how demanding it is. I thought of something funny that happend to me on Saturday night. After we tried the Strawberry Farm I wanted to run quick into Target. I took Isaac because... yes he was crying because of car seat...I thought he would stop crying because I was holding car seat and he ususally likes that but he never stopped. I was really quick in Target and on my way out I pass this group of probably 5 couples going to Prom that night with two sets of parents. Isaac was screaming and I just laughed at the thought of "Prom" and looked at the parents and said, "here's their Birth control lesson!" All smiled !!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monster "Dog"

Jacob called this his "Dog" sandwhich! They came running really fast for today's lunch !!!!!

Crust anyone?

Why do some kids refuse to eat crust? My Hubby thinks that I have taught the boys this but I swear I have not. I do take it off their P&J sandwiches but only at request, I have not encouraged it. I just gave Jacob two pop tarts and when he said he was all done I went and looked and there a pile of pop tart "crust" laying on the napkin with the inside "icing" part of pop tart gone. Maybe I should make a request that the pop tarts have icing all the way to the corners !!! What I don't understand is that Jacob loves crusty rolls. Give him some Olive Oil and Garlic and he is happy with a roll and eats it all! Oh well, we all have our quirks (Sp). Well, we tried Strawberry picking but the rain came and washed us out! Instead the boys got to jump in a huge pile of picked corn in a bin and later got to go corn picking !!! There were so many corns in Jacobs underwear and Evan's diaper, it was funny. Isaac once again confirmed he does not like the car seat. Cried everywhere we went, poor thing when we finally got home he slept till the next morning!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Busy Week!

Im not sure where this week went... It went by so fast. For someone that does not work and only takes care of her children I was super busy. I guess with Preschool and the nice weather I just feel like we are never home. The boys just eat and want to run outside to ride bikes! Okay so thanks to a friend of mine I looked up carseat options and yes you can buy a frame for the carseat that will swing your baby and vibrate it. But, it still does not look like my arm shaking him around! LOL! NO.. I dont shake my baby, its just that I dont think that swing would do it for my Isaac. He does not even like the regular swing. Oh well. Enjoy your weekend. I think we are off for strawberry picking after I coach soccer today! Please leave comments all you want, I love them!